Monday, July 19, 2010

The 24/7 Disciple

Lately I've been noticing this little person following me around every where I go. Typically, when she is following me, so is this little puppy. Sometimes they like to fight, and generally, it has to be right on top of me, or right under my feet, or right next to me. I'm sure that you have had this experience. It might not be a puppy for might be another child...but what difference does it really make? Puppies and children, they follow us around.

The Bible tells parents to speak about the Lord's commandments ALL THE TIME! (Check it in Dt. 6) It is not saying..."Hey, make this elaborate plan for devotional material and be sure to set aside 30 minutes to an hour every day that you talk about Jesus to your kids. When that is done, you may return to your normal life and go about your business...Oh yes, and do not forget to pray at meals and before bed. If you do this, your children will turn out perfect."

Um...If you looked it up you will see that God said to talk about it when you sit at home, walk across the road, lie down and get up. Those are pretty mundane things that we do every day, and it encompasses the entire day. You really don't need to be a Bible scholar to impress biblical truths in your child's head. Just talk about God whenever you get the chance. 
When you are hanging out in the yard, tell the kids you are thankful that God made such a beautiful earth for us to enjoy. Sing praise songs while you are doing chores. Explain to them that God wants us to love and forgive, just as he has loved and forgiven us when they are extremely upset with a brother or a friend. What God wants is for us to see him in our daily lives and tell our kids about it too. 

You see, everything is spiritual. From what we eat to what we wear, where we we spend our money...everything has a spiritual implication. 

I think all Christian parents desire that their children grow into maturity in Christ. What most don't realize is that their children are following in their foot steps. I've noticed that if I am trying to untangle my dog when his leash is tangled up in trees and other obstacles, I have to physically lead the way for him to get out. No matter how much I yell and point and jump up and down, he doesn't do what he needs to unless I physically walk him through it. 

Kids are the same way. They are going to follow our example and mimick our actions. If they see us incorporating spirituality into our everyday life, they will not be long to follow. 

Fortunately, at young ages they love to be with us too. Today I took my daughter to the pool. After awhile, I asked her why she wasn't playing with any of the other little girls. She responded..."I just want to play with you." By taking the time to spend with our children, we can really impress upon them the values that are so important and necessary to be in place.  

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