Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Last night I went to the movie Inception. It was a very interesting movie that left me thinking to say the least. There are definitely a few thoughts I would like to incept into some people's brains. Unfortunately, invading dreams is not possible. But people have been planting ideas and persuading other people's opinions for ever. How?

Take a look at the homosexual agenda in the United States. When Ellen came out 15-20 years ago, it was horrifying. Shortly after that, sitcoms began placing the "token homosexual" and pokes of fun were made at being gay. Not so long ago, homosexuality was introduced as "normal" on network television and now we have states that are upholding rights for homosexuals to be married. Where did the tide turn? While everyone was laughing about it.

Research shows that laughter opens a person to ideas and acceptance. It is kind of interesting then, that comedy is not used in fact....

There is a serious conversation going on in churches today about the quality of Christian education that children are receiving. Many are saying that it is too fun. It is too entertaining. I've heard the words, "Children need to sit and be quiet in church." I recently read:
Children learn to worship God primarily through participating in rightly ordered worship.
Children learn to love God by first learning how to love.
Children learn to reverence God by first learning how to reverence.
Children learn to fear God by first learning how to fear."

 There is a proper need for reverence. I am not going to disagree with that at all. I believe that it is important that a child learns to worship God, love God, revere God and fear God.

The problem is that they don't.

Besides the 18+ group, the group that churches are missing are the 2nd through 5th graders. We are losing them when it is the most vital time for them to develop their worldviews. When they are most likely to become followers of Christ.

Probably because it is too boring. Probably because they are expected to act like adults. Probably because these children don't understand that God loves children as children.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for such is the kingdom of heaven." It's not that we are literally keeping kids away from Jesus, it is that we are telling them that they have to act like adults in order to come to Jesus. Worst of all, we have intercepted the idea of an "adult heaven."

Praise God...last I checked he loved me the way I was...not after I started acting like someone I was not. God loves kids just like how they are as kids.

Worship...God is definitely a God of order. But "rightly ordered worship" doesn't mean sitting or standing still. And the definition changes depending on what culture you are in. I have seen children worship with every ounce of their soul, mind, body and strength by dancing and doing actions in a very rightly ordered way. The point the focus on God? Are people getting hurt or injured? I think that when we are just sitting or standing, we are probably more focused on ourselves and how we appear than on truly worshiping God.

Love...It may be true that children first need to learn how to love other people like their family and friends before they can love God. But before children can learn how to love other people, they need to learn that other people love them, and most importantly God loves them. Just like how they are. Energy, creativity and all. God created them and loves them exactly like they are.

Reverence....means respect. Respect does not mean "not fun."

Fear...Fear also means respect. It doesn't mean being afraid of the punishment for breaking means respecting the boundaries, and that God is holy and set apart and we are sinners and not possibly worthy of the salvation we have received, if it were not for his grace in sending Jesus to us.

I think it is a lot more important that children learn to love Jesus with their whole bodies than that they sit and be quiet in church. Jesus created kiddos to be how they are. Have you ever noticed a child's creativity? Do you not realize it is only a reflection of the Creator's creativity? Their artwork is most certainly an act of worship.

I also read this recently, "I believe that the Word of God is mostly serious and somber. No one in Hell is laughing at the moment." one is laughing in hell. But I guarantee that there is laughter in heaven. And singing. Lots of loud, joyful singing. I can also almost guarantee that there is dancing.

And the Word of God is not mostly serious and somber. Jesus was raging mad when he cleansed the temple. Have you not read the Old Testament? Like the story of the left handed warrior who killed the king on his toilet and he was so fat that the sword was completely enveloped inside of him? Funny! How about when some kids were making fun of Elijah, calling him "Bald head" and two female bears ran after them? That will teach some respect! David dances before the Lord and accidently reveals some underwear to maidservants. His wife gets mad at him, and guess what? She receives the ultimate disgrace...she died with out children. Jesus got mad and cursed a fig tree because it didn't have any fruit (and it wasn't even fig season!) A donkey that talks? How about when the young man who is trying to follow Jesus on the night He was arrested, escapes from the guards, but without clothes?

The Bible is funny. Enjoy it. Use your creativity to share it with kids. Whether that means creating  a tomato and cucumber to tell stories...or roaches singing rap music. Get kids laughing so that they can learn to accept how much Jesus loves them because that probably won't happen while they are sitting still, being quiet in church...

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